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Wight Squirrel Project Launching New Initiative To Encourage Citizen Scientists

The Island's Wight Squirrel Project is launching a new initiative to encourage people who walk in a woodland regularly to note down squirrel sightings.

It will begin on Monday (October 2) to celebrate Red Squirrel Week, which runs until October 8.

A spokesperson for the Wight Squirrel Project said:

"If you walk your dog in a particular wood, then it will be a doddle.

"Just note the date and how many squirrels and it’s really easy to fill in either a Word document or email spreadsheet, which are both downloadable.

"Then just email to every 6 months – job done!"

Those who participate will be helping red squirrels conservation on the Island.

The Isle of Wight is a nationally important red squirrel stronghold, so monitoring how the squirrels are faring is seen as vital to their long-term survival.

Consistent monitors will receive an annual treat, such as visiting a woodland which doesn’t have public access and the running of a free prize draw.

Helen Butler MBE, founder of Wight Squirrel Project, added:

"Monitoring is the most important aspect of red squirrel work. 

"It not only tells us how our reds are getting on but we effectively monitor for an grey squirrels who may find their way on to the Island. 

"This would be catastrophic for our red squirrel population as they carry squirrelpox, which is fatal to reds but does not affect greys. 

"This level of monitoring cannot be achieved without the help of the general public."

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