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Visit Isle Of Wight Recognised In National Tourism DMO Review

A recommendation that England’s tourism DMO (Destination Management Organisation) landscape be transformed to work in a more joined up way with partners has seen a major step forward for the company that works to promote the Island, Visit Isle of Wight.

Following an independent review*, the UK Government and VisitEngland have worked to reduce the fragmentation of DMOs across the country.

Developed by VisitEngland, a new programme has been designed to create a national portfolio of strategic and high-performing LVEP’s (Local Visitor Economy Partnerships) working in collaboration locally, regionally and nationally on shared priorities and targets to support and grow the visitor economy.

The detailed application process has resulted in Visit Isle of Wight gaining LVEP status and it will work alongside partner bodies locally, regionally and nationally to ensure that the Island maintains it’s importance as a visitor destination.

On receiving the news, Will Myles, MD at Visit Isle of Wight, said:

"To be recognised at this level is a great achievement for the Isle of Wight and it’s visitor economy businesses as it demonstrates the importance and impact the Island has at a national level, and we were able to highlight that throughout the process.

"It means that Visit Isle of Wight will have a clear, strategic link for the Island from the local to the national level alongside the other major visitor economy destinations across England discussing matters relating to national tourism, hospitality and the visitor economy when talking with VisitEngland and Government.’

As a LVEP, Visit Isle of Wight will work closely with VisitEngland and their regional development lead, allowing for a more joined-up approach to tourism and destination management which will directly benefit the Isle of Wight.

Visit Isle of Wight will be able to access expert advice, dedicated toolkits and training programmes from VisitBritain/VisitEngland in areas ranging from commercialisation, distribution, accessibility and sustainability to business support and marketing.

This important role will be promoted across government and national agencies, ensuring the Isle of Wight’s visitor economy is an active and valued contributor to Levelling Up and the wider economy.

VisitEngland Director, Andrew Stokes, said:

"Local Visitor Economy Partnerships (LVEPs) are at the heart of transforming the visitor economy landscape in England and we are delighted to welcome Visit Isle of Wight onto the programme.

"We look forward to continuing our close collaboration with Visit Isle of Wight as the LVEP is established, providing ongoing support including a dedicated VisitEngland regional development lead.

"Having the right national and local infrastructure in place to grow our visitor economy, in an inclusive, accessible and sustainable way, will ensure England continues to be a compelling destination for both domestic and international visitors."


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