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St John Ambulance Welcomes Appointment Of New County President

St John Ambulance now has a new Isle of Wight County President.

Island born and bred, Kay Marriott JP trained as a nurse and worked in the field of health promotion; leading and managing the Island’s reproductive and Sexual Health Service at St Mary’s hospital from 2006 to 2020; before becoming Interim Head of Nursing and Clinical Director for the community Directorate.

Kay’s leadership and management skills were additionally employed for Marriott Design Ltd, as she worked with her husband, Brian, gaining extensive business experience.

High Sheriff for the IOW from 2022/23, she has been a Magistrate since March 2019 and is additionally a Trustee of Age UK Isle of Wight, a volunteer for Northwood House and active member of Isle of Wight Cantata Choir.

Kay said:

“I am delighted to be appointed as the County President for St John Ambulance on the Isle of Wight and look forward to working with our dedicated team, who do so much for our Island community.”

Isle of Wight Priory Chair of The Order of St John, Maurice Sheen, said:

"We are absolutely delighted to have Kay on board. Her professional experience, enthusiasm and approachability combine to make her a worthy successor to her predecessor, Professor Anthony Roberts OBE OStJ, who gave many years of distinguished service."

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