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Share Some Kindness This Christmas With Isle Of Wight Youth Trust

The Isle of Wight Youth Trust is appealing for people to go digital this Christmas and donate the money they would have spent on cards and postage to help support Island children and young people instead.

Funds raised from the e-cards will help it to deliver free professional mental health and wellbeing support to young people on the Isle of Wight.

The cards were designed in consultation with the charity’s Youth Mental Health Taskforce — which inspired the slogan ‘Be kind to yourself and others this Christmas’.

The taskforce is dedicated to championing causes that matter to young people and were keen to emphasise the importance of being kind to one another.

The charity relies on donations and grants to provide its services.

Last year, it delivered more than 4,000 sessions to children and young people struggling with their mental health – helping them to see a brighter future.

Jo Dare, CEO of the Youth Trust, said:

"We are urging people to be kind this Christmas – both to themselves and others – and we want people to be aware that support is available at the Youth Trust for those who may be struggling.

“This Christmas we are asking people to consider sending friends, colleagues and family one of our Youth Trust e-cards instead of traditional cards and donating any money that would have been spent on cards and postage to our charity.

“Donations will go towards providing support through group therapy sessions, one to one counselling, self-guided help, support in schools or via our travelling safe space initiative."

A donation of just £5 could help pay for art supplies for a creative therapy session, £15 could fund a support call for a young person experiencing mental health difficulties and £70 could pay for a one-to-one counselling session for a young person.

Young people struggling with their mental health can find information and advice on the Youth Trust website.

To download the Youth Trust 2023 Christmas e-card and make a donation visit the official online link.

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