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RNLI Named Official Charity For Round The Island Race 2024

The RNLI has been named official charity for the annual Round The Island Race in 2024.

The annual Round the Island Race, organised by the Island Sailing Club, is a one-day yacht race around the Isle of Wight and will take place on June 15 this year.

The race which began on a much smaller scale over 90 years ago now regularly attracts over 1,000 boats and around 6,000 crew members.

This makes it one of the largest yacht races in the world and the fourth largest participation sporting event in the UK after the London Marathon and the Great North and South Runs.

RNLI lifeboats from Cowes, Calshot, Bembridge, Mudeford, Lymington, Portsmouth and Yarmouth have been involved in the running of the event for many years and are strategically positioned around the course.

For example, Bembridge RNLI will be positioned with their all-weather Tamar lifeboat on the furthest eastern side of the Isle of Wight.

The group will provide cover for the final leg of the race, whereas Yarmouth RNLI will be positioned with their all-weather Severn class lifeboat at The Needles, the Isle of Wight’s most western point and where the sea conditions can change drastically without warning.

Dave Atkinson, Race Director, said:

“The race team, RNLI and Coastguard have worked closely together since the first Round the Island Race in 1931 to operate a safe race for all the competitors.

"We are incredibly grateful for the safety cover and assistance that the RNLI station teams provide on race day.

"We are especially pleased to announce that all the donations raised will go to the seven stations involved in the race and specifically for the training of their volunteer crews.”

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