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New LED Sky Lights Brighten Up St Mary's Hospital Children’s Ward

The Friends of St Mary’s Hospital has agreed the funding of £2,982 for ceiling lights for the Children’s Ward.

The LED tiles will enable the children’s ward to provide a much more child friendly, interactive, calming environment that is instrumental to a positive outcome for the child.

The room in question is used for different procedures that are undertaken on the ward.

The ceiling tiles will offer the children some distraction and reduce the distress that some procedure may cause.

For example it will reduce the number of children needing to come in multiple times for a blood test that they have found too distressing and refused before.

Children also receive chemotherapy in this area, which can often require them to stay still for a lengthy period of time.

Having the tiles will distract them and amuse them during this time, making the experience a more positive one.

The room is also used for the sickest children on the unit, often before they are transferred to Southampton.

It is vital that this experience is as calm as possible, creating the most therapeutic environment for the child that it can be.

Dionne Davies, Children’s Ward Play Specialist, said:

“The LED sky ceiling lights have been a big hit with the children on the ward!

“Having the lights, designed by Greg Stobbs of Squirlart, makes the room more child friendly and welcoming, giving the children something to look at which helps with distraction and coping with a procedure.

“We are so grateful to the Friends of St. Mary's Hospital for providing us with such an amazing addition to the ward that enhances the care of the children we see. A huge thank you from us all."

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