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Nettlestone Primary School Raise Money In Honour Of Schoolmate With Brain Tumour

Pupils in Years 3 and 4 at Nettlestone Primary School have chosen two local charities close to their hearts for their fundraising this year.

In September the children in year 4 were told the news that one of their peers would not be coming back to school for a while due to him undergoing surgery and then treatment for a brain tumour diagnosed in the summer holidays.

Over the last year this young man has shown amazing resilience and courage — undergoing surgery, intense radio therapy and chemotherapy, while becoming an inspiration to his peers.

Children and staff wanted to help by raising money for charities that supported their peer and his family while he underwent treatment in London and Southampton.

The charities chosen were The Wight Brainy Bunch, which supported the family with travel expenses during treatment, and Southampton based charity Abby’s Heroes, which provides support to patients and their families on the Piam Brown ward at Southampton.

The children decided to hold a school cake sale during the last week of term as well as running a raffle for a summer activity box which was donated by Asda in Newport.

The children raised a grand total of £418.06 which was split between the 2 charities, with each receiving £209.03.

Laura Feist, LKS2 Lead at the school, said:

“The children wanted to do something to give back to those that helped their friend while he went through treatment.

"After speaking to the family they told us that Abby’s heroes and The Wight Brainy Bunch had supported them throughout their time in hospital.

"We are extremely proud of our pupils and grateful to our school community who supported their fundraising for these amazing charities who are now very close to our hearts.“

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