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Mermaid Atlantic Week 5 Update: Fundraising Target Reached And Podium Finish On The Cards

Having reached the final 1,000 nautical mile mark of their voyage, team Mermaid Atlantic haw made great progress over the past seven days.

The trio now only has just 760 nautical miles until they reach their final destination: English Harbour, Antigua.
Despite still encountering tricky weather conditions, the team are comfortably sitting in third position in their class and hoping to meet favourable trade winds which will help them in the final two weeks or so of the race.
The hope is that with good winds they should reach the finish line by January 30.  
HMS Oardacious, a 5 man boat, is hoping to finish the race today and will be the first boat over the line.
Over the last week, they have enjoyed some amazing wildlife encounters, having spotted what they believe to be a Ione-mink whale and they have made friends with a bird which they think is a Wilson’s storm-petrel.
Manni has nicknamed the bird Slick and is impressed by the way he glides over the waves when not flying in the air. 
The team received some good news this week as thanks to the generosity of their supporters they have beaten their fundraising target, which is an enormous boost to them and will help spur them over the finish line. 
The money raised will go towards the three charities they are supporting in this row, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, Surfers Against Sewage and The Seahorse Trust.  
The team are rowing the 3,000 nautical miles across the Atlantic in their Rannoch 45 boat named Mermaid Atlantic after Mermaid Gin distilled by Xavier Baker and his team at the Isle of Wight Distillery which is the main sponsor.
You can track their progress on the official race app, YB races, which you can download or view it on a desktop or TV via their website.

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