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Isle Of Wight D-Day Veteran Receives Award For 84 Years Of Volunteering For Royal British Legion

98-year-old Isle of Wight D-Day veteran, Alec Penstone, has received an award for his outstanding contribution to the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal.

At a reception hosted by the Royal London Yacht Club, Cowes, Alec received his recognition from the Royal British Legion’s National President, Sir Clive Johnstone.

Also in attendance was the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, Colonel Carron Snagge, Lt Cdr (RN) Steve Cass, and Alec’s family and close friends. Sir Clive spoke of how Alec served in the Royal Navy during the years of 1942 – 1946 and took part in more than 10 Arctic Convoy missions.

Alec was then sent to the Far East, but not before marring his sweetheart Gladys in the short window of embarkation leave he was granted.

Alec was happily married to Gladys for 78 years before her sad passing 20 months ago.

Alec was serving in Hong Kong during the Japanese surrender and was among the first to liberate POW camps with British prisoners.

Alec is an Ambassador for the Royal British Legion following the support his family received from the RBL, specifically when his father returned injured from the Battle of the Somme.

Clare Peppiatt, Regional Poppy Appeal Manager for the South-West, said:

“We are incredibly grateful to Alec for his phenomenal contribution to the Poppy Appeal and for all the money he has raised to help veterans, current serving personnel, and their families, who have served and sacrificed for their country.

"We simply could not run the Poppy Appeal without our magnificent volunteers such as Alec, who is a real legend in every way.”

Alec started collecting for the Poppy Appeal at the age of 14 when his Godmother (Earl Haig’s daughter, Lady Victoria) had encouraged him, and 84 years later he still collects for the cause.

Alec has released a book about his life. The book, entitled ‘My Ten and a Half Arctic Convoys and the Rest of My Life’ is available from Amazon.

The UK’s biggest armed Forces charity, the Royal British Legion, organises the Poppy Appeal every October and November, and relies on more than 3,500 dedicated volunteers to help deliver the appeal across the UK each year.

Volunteers help to distribute poppies within their communities – nearly 35 million across the UK - and can take on a range of roles including Poppy Appeal Organisers who lead a team of dedicated volunteers in their area.

To find out more and get involved with volunteering for the Poppy Appeal, visit or call 0345 845 1945.

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