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Island Creative Claire Set To Take Innovative New Show To Edinburgh Fringe

An Isle of Wight born writer and performer is taking her show to Edinburgh Fringe next month.

Claire Watt will present Thor the Walrus at the UK's biggest Fringe from August 2 to 25, following two upcoming London previews, on July 17 and 24.

Claire grew up on the Island and is now a PhD researcher at Cambridge University.

This is her first play after attending the Pentabus Young Writers programme, and she has written, directed and produced the entire show herself.

Claire said:

"Growing up on the Island, I was lucky enough to experience nature at its finest and I think it's important to protect what we have for future generations.

"People often switch off from mentions of the climate crisis, so we're using satire as a way to cut through this, encouraging our audience to think while they laugh."

Claire and the cast are all alumni of this year's Act II Festival, which aims to bridge the gap between London student theatre and the industry.

Those interested in purchasing tickets for Thor the Walrus at Edinburgh Fringe can do so via this link.

The one-hour show takes place at Venue 186 - The Zoo Playground.

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