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‘Infinite Skies’ Aiming To Brighten Islanders' Winter Days

Islanders are being invited to embark on a visual journey with the latest exhibition, a stunning multi-media collection crafted by participants during 2023 workshops at Independent Arts Creative Hub.

Drawing inspiration from Constable's profound fascination with the ever-changing skies, this exhibition captures the diverse moods and poetry of the celestial canvas.

Independent Arts is a small island-based creative health charity.

From their Creative Hub on Newport High Street, the charity offers a wide range of projects aimed at supporting those with complex vulnerabilities to benefit from arts based activities and companionship through mutual creativity.

During 2023, the charity helped to facilitate the visit of John Constable’s ‘The Cornfield’ (1826) original painting to Newport, where it was displayed for six days by The National Gallery at Newport & Carisbrooke Community Council’s building at 64 High Street.

More than 2,500 residents saw the iconic painting during the week in May and Independent Arts were part of the official community engagement process that followed.

As a result Independent Arts have curated Infinite Skies to showcase the response and has drawn influences of other artists too, such as Olafur Eliasson’s The Weather Project (2003) exhibited at the Tate’s Turbine Hall. Art work and poetry is displayed showcasing creativity thriving from young and old alike on the Isle of Wight. 

Regular participants from Creative Café, Mindful Moments and Sandown Art Club have their artwork on display. 

Supported by professional artists Trudie Wilson, Lou Elliot and the charity’s talented in-house team Joanne Rigby, Kerry Tindall and Evie Clarke and volunteer artist Melissa Penn, the exhibition has been lovingly created from a mixture of mediums.

‘Infinite Skies’ will be on show until Friday February 23.

Entry is free, and you're invited to experience the exhibition's magic at Independent Arts, The Creative Hub, 48 High Street, Newport, from Monday to Friday, 10am - 4.30pm.

The charity uses donations to support vulnerable residents through arts based activities.

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