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Fundraising Christmas Challenge To Support Island Residents In Ageing Artfully

Creative health charity Independent Arts has been chosen to take part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge again this year.

The online campaign, which lasts just one week, starts at 12pm on Giving Tuesday (November 28) and enables donations to the Island based charity to be matched double – making twice the impact.

This year, with funding for all charities very much squeezed, Independent Arts is asking supporters to consider giving to its Ageing Artfully campaign because it will mean that donations are doubled.

Lisa Gagliani, chief executive, explains:

“We understand that everyone has cut back on spending this year, everything has gone up.

"This is a way for supporters to say thank you, without it costing a lot, and it will mean that weekly services for older people here in our community who have come to rely on their weekly hit of SingAbout, Dance Makers or Creative Café, can continue.”

The charity has secured £4,500 worth of funding already, from WightFibre and The Reed Foundation, but it will only be able to access these funds if the public unlock them through giving during the campaign.

The campaign runs for exactly seven days to 12pm on 5 December, but the charity hopes that most supporters will give early, from 12pm on 28
November, to help reach their matched funds as quickly as possible.

What do you need to do?

  • Add a calendar reminder to your diary Tuesday 28 November at 12pm including this link which will take you to the campaign page. At that time precisely, a donate button will appear
  • Have your 3D secure debit or credit card ready when you make your donation.
  • Share Independent Arts Ageing Artfully campaign page with friends and family

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