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Age UK Isle Of Wight Calling For Local Heroes To Distribute Essential Hygiene Products

Age UK Isle of Wight, an independent Island charity organisation dedicated to supporting older adults in our community, is urgently seeking individuals and companies with access to vans or larger vehicles to assist in the delivery of free hygiene packs.

The campaign, entitled 'Dignity in Every Pack', aims to distribute £50,000 worth of hygiene packs across the Island by March 2024.

The funding for this project has come from the Department for Work and Pension through Connect 4 Communities and has been used to purchase 1000 packs that have been carefully curated to assist specific needs of individuals facing continence challenges.

Recognising the impact that managing continence can have on an individual’s quality of life and well-being they provide essential items to help maintain personal hygiene and promote dignity.

To date, almost half of the packs have been distributed, making a significant impact on the lives of individuals over 50 on the Isle of Wight.

However, there are still organisations awaiting larger scale deliveries, and Age UK Isle of Wight is calling on the community to help ensure that all the funds are utilised effectively.

This will reduce the cost of delivery charges means funds can be concentrated on reaching more individuals, especially those on lower incomes or on long referral lists for continence support.

To ensure the safety and well-being of older people who may be more vulnerable, Age UK Isle of Wight will only request voluntary drivers to deliver hygiene packs to organisations, such as local care homes, other charities, or designated locations so a third-party can distribute to their clients.

They will not be requested to delivery directly to individual’s home addresses. 

"We are incredibly grateful for the support we have received so far in delivering these essential products, especially from our volunteers, staff and Trustees" said Maria Bunce, Chief Officer at Age UK Isle of Wight.

"However, there is still work to be done, and we are reaching out to individuals and companies who have access to vans or larger vehicles to assist us in making the remaining deliveries."

The 'Dignity in Every Pack' campaign aims to provide essential hygiene items to those who may be struggling to access them, particularly older adults.

The hygiene packs include items such as continence pads, continence pants, bed pads and creams. Often these products are expensive to self-fund.

If you have a van or larger vehicle and are willing to contribute a delivery to this cause, contact Cally Trott at Age UK Isle of Wight at

Your support will greatly contribute to ensuring that these essential hygiene packs reach those who require them, providing them with the dignity and care they deserve.

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