New Right of Way path at Compton Completed
I am very pleased to be able to report that this is the new Right of Way path installed at Compton, which has been brought further inland following extensive erosion along this path.
There is money available in the new budget being brought forward in May for right of way upgrades so a lot more will be done in the coming year.
We are getting close to completing our coastal path now with just a few difficulties in the east Cowes/Whippingham region and I am looking forward to it being complete as this forms part of the coastal path all around the country.
It should be noted also that further along the coast at Brook the erosion is rapidly making its way towards the Military Road. This was going to be solved by use of a bridge and is in the contract with Island Roads, however it is thought that it would be better to install a barrier instead, which would cover a larger area thus giving a better defence.
I have checked with Island Roads following a question at the last Full Council meeting of Brighstone Parish Council asking for an update.
As the barrier would be installed in the AONB and at a site of special interest and Heritage coast, it needs planning permission. I am informed by Island Roads that this process is continuing and permission has not yet been approved, however Island Roads said they would be keeping me informed and updated so as soon as I hear anything I will report it.
Sadly the rate of our Covid-19 cases on the Island continues to increase with a rate of 1,171 per 100,000 population for the seven days to 8 January (1,661 new cases). This is getting close to twice the national average for England and so a very concerning position. However, we are some two weeks on from the Island coming under tier 4 restrictions (at the time of writing) and nine days from the start of the national lockdown so we must hope that these interventions will start to turn the tide back in our favour in the coming weeks.
This assumes of course that individuals in our community follow the guidance and the law as it relates to the national lockdown; the basic action being to STAY AT HOME whenever you can and only journey out for essential reasons.
I have seen some information published quite recently which identifies that something like 94% of all of the new Covid-19 cases on the Island are due to the new variant of the disease. We know it is so much more contagious than the first version of the virus, which is why it has swept so quickly through our community in the way it has. If one in three people who have the virus show no symptoms then we must be so careful in how we interact with everybody to eliminate its transmission, from us to them and them to us.
We know that this high rate of cases will sadly translate to an increase number of people requiring treatment at St Mary’s Hospital and I understand that the number of cases at the hospital is steadily increasing. It, like the council, has a finite capacity for the number of people it can treat so we are working very closely with colleagues in the NHS to offer any support we can. However, as the best support we can give to our NHS colleagues is to make sure we follow the rules around HANDS-FACE-SPACE to the absolute letter and not try and bend them to suit our circumstances.
The good news is that the hospital is now receiving a supply of vaccinations and is now vaccinating health and social care workers to meet the government’s aim to have this cohort of key people all vaccinated by the 15th February. I am pleased that the important and sterling work of our care workers has been recognised in the vaccination plans and that there is a broad definition of a social care worker eligible for the vaccine. However, as a council we must still be responsible in making sure that the right people are vaccinated to meet the needs of the community and our services and we are grateful for colleagues in adult services for managing the programmes so well in its first few days of operation.
Beach Management Strategic Framework
I am pleased to announce that at our Cabinet meeting recently we approved the Beach Management Strategic Framework, which also has an action plan attached to it. The purpose of the strategy is to make sure we keep our beaches clean and safe for bathers.
One of the main concerns of members in the Sandown, Shanklin and Lake areas is the increase in jet skis coming too close to shore and endangering swimmers. It is not just jet skis of course in the water so the strategy looks to control personal water craft via a bylaw in place and we intend to have an audit done by the RNLI to see what is considered needed for safety, however we intend to have reinstated, the marker buoys for the bay area prior to the audit with a view to install others where needed depending on the RNLI audit.
I should say as the Cabinet Member responsible for beaches, a big thank you to the RNLI for offering to carry out the audits at no cost to the council.
It has to be said though, that the Marker Buoys installation will only be able to be carried out in time for this summer if we can find the funds to get it into the budget for the 2020 – 2021 medium term financial plan.
Due to discussions in Cabinet and with local members the Leader and I have decided it would be good to set up a Coastal Community Forum to gather together relevant officers, experts and members not only from the Island but from other authorities across the Solent and I am already in touch with my equivalent cabinet member from Bournemouth and I have organised our first meeting to discuss the terms of reference.
This will be particularly important to get cross Solent cooperation on policy to make enforcement easier and more uniform.
With very best wishes
Isle of Wight Council
Cabinet Member for Environment, Heritage and
Waste Management. 07870127024