An Isle of Wight seaside town’s high street could get a new one-bedroom flat.
Mr M. Pennells applied to the council for a change of use of part of the ground and first floor of 17 High Street, Shanklin, a property that used to house a British Red Cross charity shop.
His proposed apartment would be in addition to two flats approved by County Hall last year.
A Design and Access Statement included in Mr Pennell’s application said:
“The proposal sits in a highly sustainable location that helps, in a modest way, to contribute to the Island’s housing needs for which there is a proven requirement.
“The building structure, scale and bulk remains the same so that there is no impact on the street scene, the conservation area or on the amenities of the neighbouring properties.
“The proposal seeks to maximise the potential of the site by adding to the two units approved, thus providing an additional dwelling to the housing stock with no major construction works.
“The work mainly involves internal alterations with only two new openings at ground floor level in the elevations fronting Western Road.”
The council’s public consultation on the application finishes on April 4 and a decision is due on April 29.